Lori Cates Hand
Current Office:
Lori Hand has volunteered for the Hamilton County Democratic Party since 2016 and serves on its communications committee. She is a founding member of the Noblesville Democratic Committee, is the Noblesville Township Democratic Chair, and works extensively with recruiting poll workers and precinct chairs. Lori was a delegate to the 2020 and 2022 Indiana Democratic conventions and is on the ballot to be a delegate in 2024. Outside of the party, Lori volunteers extensively in the community, and is a founding member of Hamilton County Against Censorship. She served on the board of the Noblesville High School Choir Parent Organization, and has just been named to the board of the Gal’s Guide to the Galaxy women’s history library in Noblesville. She is a nonfiction book editor with a major international publishing company. She earned her degree in English Literature from the University of Evansville. Lori has lived in Noblesville with her husband, Jason, for 25 years. Their daughter is a sophomore at Butler University, and their foster son is a freshman at the University of Evansville.