Not long ago, I thought “canvassing” had something to do with an easel and paints! Today I know that canvassing is how Democrats reach voters and make genuine connections to impact elections.

“Canvassing” is action. It is how we communicate with specific voters individually by knocking on the door of their home. A “Canvassing Team” is the group of volunteers who walk about a local neighborhood, knock on certain voters’ doors and share information about the upcoming election and Democratic candidates.
When you join a Canvassing Team, you are representing Hamilton County Democrats to our neighbors. And in this moment of new energy (and joy!) for our Presidential candidate, VP Kamala Harris, you will be welcomed by voters who are excited just like you.
You see, we do not have enough time to visit all 272,081 Hamilton County registered voters at their home! So we select certain specific homes to visit during a canvass.
When you join a Canvassing Team, you are representing Hamilton County Democrats to our neighbors. And in this moment of new energy (and joy!) for our Presidential candidate, VP Kamala Harris, you will be welcomed by voters who are excited just like you.
By reviewing the public voter records, we select to visit the citizens who are inclined to vote for Democrats but need more information or a reminder to vote. That’s where canvassing makes the difference!
We know that face-to-face conversations greatly impact a voters’ candidate support and motivation to go vote. It is powerful to knock on a neighbor’s door and through a brief interaction, the neighbor replies, “Yes! I support all the Democratic candidates and I am excited to vote on Election Day!”
This happens only by canvassing.
We know that the GOP opponents are canvassing too. That’s why we need you now. This election is too important and too big of an opportunity for Hamilton County to be shy.
Lace up your walking shoes and help us engage with neighbors! Training is provided and canvassers do not canvass solo. You will be accompanied by other Democrats. And this is a great way to add to your step count!
Also, each of our amazing Democratic candidates have canvassing teams too. Sign up to canvass for the candidates on your ballot!
Canvass with your fellow Hamilton County Democrats! Join the team to share voting information, campaign literature and have meaningful conversations with voters. Together, we will paint Hamilton County BLUE!
-Jocelyn Vare Chairperson, Hamilton County Democratic Party